Top 4 exercises to get rid of arm fat!

Your abs are not the only sign of healthiness. If you want to get an overall good physique, then you should also work hard on your arms and legs. So here are 4 simple moves that will help you lose arm fat and define your shoulders and arms.
Even though spot reduction is just a myth, and you can’t actually lose arm fat, this workout is a bat wings destroyer. That’s because besides the arm movements involved, it also contains full body exercises that torch fat overall.
Squats, lunges and pushups engage all your body muscles (more or less) and really melt the pounds away. At the same time, the arm movements strengthen your biceps, triceps and deltoid.
It’s like you’re doing a cardio and a strength training session in a single workout. Lose fat overall, lose arm fat, and get toned arms!
Incorporate these 4 moves into your workout to tonify your arm muscles and burn the extra fat.

How To Lose Arm Fat With 4 Simple Exercises

For beginners, 10 reps for each exercise should be enough. But if you feel this is too easy, increase the weight, or the number of repetitions.
Anyway, if you’re not a beginner and want to rock this workout, you’ll need to do each of these 4 exercises until you feel the burn in your arms… and then do 5 more reps.
Three sets are mandatory if you want to lose arm fat and show off your “guns” in a sleeveless shirt. But if you feel you can do more, then aiming for 5 sets per day should be your goal.
For the best results, I recommend doing this arm workout at least 4 times a week. Or you can add these exercises to your favourite workout routine to challenge yourself even more.
The 4 compound exercises used in this workout that promises to help you lose arm fat and forget about your bat wings are:
  1. Dumbbell squats;
  2. Dumbbell lunge with bicep curls;
  3. Elevated pushups;
  4. Pushups and rows.
Besides your arm muscles, these exercises engage 3 of the biggest muscle groups in your body:
  • Gluteus Maximus – the most voluminous muscle group in the human body;
  • Latissimus Dorsi – the widest muscle group in the human body;
  • Quadriceps Femoris – the second largest muscle group in the human body;
You should already know that the bigger the muscle you’re working is, the more fat you’re burning. And with these 4 exercises you’ll be able to maximize your fat burning process. ( 1 )
So yeah, that’s why we chose compound movements to tone and tighten arm muscles. Now let’s see how to perform these moves!

1. Dumbbell Squat (10 reps)

This exercise targets your legs, butt and arms. ( 2 ) It can be performed by anyone and requires only a pair of dumbbells. Here’s how to perform a dumbbell squat:
  1. Stand straight, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Sit back through your heels like you’re sitting in an imaginary chair. Keep your head facing forward, as you drive your hips back. Allow your lower back to arch slightly, without any rounding of the upper back/shoulders.
  3. Lower down, stopping about parallel to the floor, with your knees over your ankles.
  4. At the same time, keep your arms tense, then flex them bringing the dumbbells toward your chest.
  5. Press your weight through your heels as you bring yourself back to starting position. Also, lower the dumbbells down at your side

2. Dumbbell Lunge With Bicep Curl (10 reps on each side)

This exercise targets your legs, butt and arms. ( 3 ) It can be performed by anyone and requires only a pair of dumbbells. Here’s how to perform this exercise:
  1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length with your palms facing each other and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lift your left foot and take a step forward, lowering your hips and bending your knees.
  3. Both your right ankle and your left thigh should be parallel to the floor.
  4. At the same time curl both arms up, bringing the dumbbells toward your chest.
  5. Return to the starting position and lower the weights back by your side.
  6. Repeat on the right side.

3. Elevated Pushup (10 reps)

This exercise targets your abs, chest, back and arms ( 4 ). It can be performed by anyone and requires only a chair or a stepper.
This is a pushup with a little bit more resistance added. Just place your feet on a platform higher than your hands level and do pushups. Start with a small stepper or platform, then gradually increase the hight of it.
The higher the platform is, the harder the exercise will be.

4. Pushup And Row (10 reps with each arm)

This exercise targets your chest, back, abs and arms ( 5 ). It can be performed by anyone and requires only a pair of dumbbells. Here’s how to do this exercise:
  1. Start in a full plank position, but with hands grasping two dumbbells.
  2. Lift one dumbbell up so it reaches the hip while keeping the elbow in.
  3. Lower back down and repeat with the opposite arm.
  4. Keep your back straight during the entire exercise.